Rabu, 05 September 2012


Saya mau share sesuatu sama kalian, ini juga nemu dari sebuah website sih, hehehe
Silahkan dibuka-buka website nya, ga rugi kok ^^
Langsung deh Check it out yaw~


1. Use coloured pens when you make notes - some people think better in colour
2. Always carry a notebook with you, and a pen (or two) of course

3. When you read something that inspires you, write it down - don't trust your memory
4. If you have a blog, save your ideas to draft, that way you can work them up when you have the time. But it also means you're not scratching around for ideas
5. Buy experiences for people instead of stuff - everyone in the western world seems to have enough "stuff" so why not get them something they may not have thought about themselves
6. Say thank you every time, for every gift you receive - including compliments
7. Take a cake into work one day - just because you can
8. Stop for morning tea occassionally and reconnect with your work colleagues
9. Cook dinner with your spouse / partner and / or kids and make time to talk. As a bonus I have found driving practice with my two kids to be the perfect time to chat. They were at first a little reticent about telling me stuff. But now the conversations are wide ranging and very interesting. I shall miss those times with my kids as they move onto their provisional and full licences.
10. Walk daily and use the time to do the mental filing
11. Take a good multi-vitamin daily. We may like to think our diets are always perfect. The truth is we could all probably do with a boost to the immune system.
12. Eat an extra piece of fruit today
13. Try a different meal each week. I do get into the habit of cooking the same kinds on meals just for convenience sake. I now aim to try one new recipe each week using the same kinds of ingredients as I normally use... for instance I've discovered, mashed cauliflower instead of potato on top of cottage pie when grilled lightly tastes just as good as the spud version, at a fraction of the calories. Similarly I've taken to making sweet potato, pumpkin and potato mash - a joy to the taste buds let me tell you.
14. Swap full fat milk for low fat or at least half and half when you buy coffee - save yourself a lot of calories.
15. Have an early night each week to catch up on your sleep debt
16. Make massage a part of your weekly regime
17. Overlay a bad habit with a better one. Instead of having a biscuit with your tea in the middle of the afternoon, make sure you actually need it - try a piece of fruit instead, or go for a walk around the office and have five minutes. Sometimes it is the chance encounters in the kitchen we need rather than the food. And if you don't believe me read Charles Duhigg's book on habits.
18. Wear your good underwear whenever you want to feel good... I know it sounds silly, but if you do need a boost for whatever reason I find getting dressed "up" including the under garments to play a big part in my overall feeling.
19. And talking about using things - Don't save the good stuff for a rainy day. Wear the clothes, the perfume and the jewellery. Use the crystal and the good china - life is not meant to be endured but enjoyed. Set the table and make meal times a joyous occassion - and it doesn't matter whether you are having boiled eggs or roast pheasant - we can a lot of joy from making the meal a treat.
20. Put lavendar satches into your linen cupboard. So when you change your bedding, the room smells fresh
21. Turn off the phone, the email and the computer at least once a week - and disconnect with the technology that seems to rule our lives. Pretend you are in a no-signal zone ... sorry out of reach until ... kick back and relax
22. Have a date night with your partner at least once a week. Do you remember how you were when you first started dating ...
23. Re-read a good book that gave you pleasure the first time
24, Have a facial, yes even the boys. Enjoy the feeling of being pampered
25. Clear the clutter. Get rid of 100 things you don't need / use / wear
26. Use non-food / alcoholic rewards for a job well done
27. Plan tomorrow the night before
28. Start your day with a walk
29. Ask yourself every day how this one can be the best one ever
30. When asked how you are, always reply with a positive statement - even if you do feel like rubbish. Saying you are will start to lift your mood.
32. If you are craving "sugar" try snacking on fresh / dried fruit / veggies. The natural sugars will satisfy you for longer, and fill you up - something chocolate etc doesn't do.
33. Write a limerick - the funnier the better - it's a great way of making yourself smile. I remember doing this with the kids - by the end of the 2nd line we were howling ...
34. Keep a day book of all your brilliant ideas (where do you think these came from?)
35. Keep a separate bucket list journal, and write everything in it including the teeny items. I have also started using Pinterest to keep pictures front of mind of places I would love to go to. The modern day vision board I suppose.
36. Keep a gratitude journal - find at least 5 things to be thankful for every day.
37. Write a thankyou note to someone every day
38. Read at least one chapter of a book each day, preferably one that will challenge your thinking.
39. Pay your bills on time
40. Clean out 1 thing every day
41. If you make a mistake own up to it. Deal with it and move on.
42. Enjoy at least 5 minutes every day of quiet time. I am aiming for 30 minutes where I sit quietly every day. No books, no phones, no distractions. Let the thoughts come and go - in amongst the noise, usually comes at least one good idea - write those down at the end of your session. Then find time to work them up
43. Take 5 deep breaths whenever you are feeling stressed. Breath in to the count of five, hold briefly then exhale to the count of 5 - repeat. It brings in much needed oxygen to your body.
44. Watch the sunset now and then
45. Be brave and get up and watch the sunrise - it is a truly magical sight

What suggestions do you have to motivate you when you are feeling in need of a boost?


2 komentar:

Gede Pratama Arya Pinatih mengatakan...

wadoh mba'e.... gak mudeng aq.... ga ngerti bahasa daerah saya.... kalo boleh saya saranin, kasi translate bahasa kita tercinta ya.....
keep posting....

diiahdiioh mengatakan...

makasi suda mampir di blog saya ^^
iya saran nya bener juga itu, hihi oke lain kali saya bikin translate nya ya, terima kasih sarannya :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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